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Home > Offers to Sell > Luggage, Bags & Cases > Handbags > Fashion Handbags

Contact: unkgo
Company: Hebei HengLun Leather Co., Ltd
Hebei China
Shijiazhuang 050000
Phone: +86 18903215882
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 1 year
Date/Time:  3/8/23 9:00 GMT

TC1559 Square pu material luxury gg shoulder women bag

We are the Manufacturers and Exporters of fashion handmade leather bags
We based at the hebei, china. The extraordinary ability of our skilled artists
can be seen in each one of our fine masterpieces. Our business is built on the
premise of bringing the work of our hard determination. We have made over the
years on the road to the rest of the world at an affordable cost and the
highest possible quality. Our signature line of hand crafted leather messenger
bags and handbags is built on a friendship and business relationship that
started before from years.
A shoulder bag describes a wallet that is always carried over the shoulder and
has handles long enough to be adjusted to each woman's preferences. This is the
only common denominator unique to cheap shoulder bags. Women all over the
world have countless shoulder bags because they are versatile, easy to use and
attractive, with endless material options, colors and designs. Bags can be made
of leather, PU leather, synthetic fibers, suede and quilted cotton. Shoulder
bags are an essential part of women's daily life.
TC1559 Square pu material luxury gg shoulder women bag
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